Welcome you to our new, revitalized space where we will continue to provide the highest quality Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatments.
Your health and wellness remain our top priority.
Thank you for your love and support - we couldn't have done it without you!
Herb Paste for Allergies and Asthma
Herb Paste for Allergies and Asthma
One of the characteristics of Chinese Medicine theory is “Co-responding of Human Body to the Environment”. We apply the Chinese Herbs paste to specific Acupuncture points in hottest 3 days in summer (三伏贴) or the coldest 3 day in winter (三九贴) for reinforcing our body Yang Qi performance. The treatment gains good result for allergy and asthma. Herbal paste treatment could support and strengthen the immune system to protect and defend the body against foreign invaders such as dust, mold, pollens, animal dander, bacteria, and viruses. In most cases you need 3 to 6 sessions a year at 2 to 5 years for significant results. It is safe for children! (Herbal paste may cause temporary skin rash or blisters).
Dates for applying Chinese Herbal paste summer of 2024 will be at:
1st Visit: July 16th Tuesday
2nd Visit: July 26th Friday
3rd Visit: August 14th Wednesday
Optional Make up Date: August 24th Saturday
Dates for applying Herbal paste winter of 2024/2025 will be at:
1st Visit: December 21th Saturday
2nd Visit: December 31th Tuesday
3rd Visit: January 8th Wednesday
Optional Make up Date: January 17th Friday
We hope to see you then.
Dr. Jasmine Hong Lai

- 天灸尤其適合虛寒性體質人士,其發病尤其在冬天陰寒日子,或每進食生冷食物,或進出冷氣開放場地而症狀加重;
- 哮喘,鼻敏感, 慢性支氣管病;
- 素體陽虛易患感冒 ;
- 風濕痛症;
- 膝關節退化性關節炎;
- 慢性泄瀉;
- 陽虛體質(表現手腳冰冷,怕冷,小便清長)
- 原發性痛經
- 天灸治療的特點簡單方便,副作用少。但並非所有過敏體質人士都適合,例如濕熱體質,或以下情況人士,都未必合適天灸:
- 正值患上感冒、發燒人士;
- 孕婦;
- 兩歲以下的嬰孩;
- 皮膚有嚴重過敏、破損患處。
- "三伏天"或"三九天"一般"天灸療程"為三年;
- 成年人一般每次敷貼三小時,十六歲以下兒童兩小時,但實際時間長短須視乎體質而定;
- 敷貼期間戒飲食生冷,不貪涼,忌冷氣、冷風直吹肩頸胸背;
- 天灸治療期間,應飲食清淡並戒口,忌食生冷食物,或其他容易引致過敏的食材,如牛肉、花生、蝦蟹、鵝、蛋黃、辛辣煎炸食物等。
- 若皮膚出現局部發紅,可不需處理。假如皮膚出現局部痕痒,甚至水泡,則應將天灸膏藥移去,塗上京萬紅或芦荟膏,並致電診所報告有關情況。
Chinese Acupuncturist & Herbalist in Long Island NY
Since 2003
Tel: 516-270-9908
219 Mineola Blvd
Mineola NY 11501